Hello friends!
While the country has been having growing pains, so have individuals. So much to see and hear and learn! Make sure you’re using your time and energy for positive things. I myself have felt the tugs of the negative trying to grab on. But I know better and to expect these changes. Sometimes they’re more subtle, sometimes not so much. But as an intuitive who is intuned to more than just others moods and feelings but also the energy of the planet. Yes our beautiful planet we call home has its own heart beat so to speak. It’s called the Schumann resonance! It’s super interesting. Recently we’ve had a lot of activity. It has different effects on different people, so I am going to start bringing more fun topics to talk about, like this.
I keep reminding friends and family to protect their own energy. Some people know what this means and others may not and that’s okay, because we’re all here to learn together. I like to take some deep breaths and focus on my own energy, I use my energy and call on my guides for lended protection also. I know right now darkness is trying hard behind the scenes to try and manipulate the masses. But if you or anyone you know is looking for help or guidance in these types of areas please reach out! I would love to help. Have a wonderful week!